Page 12 - E-NewsLetter
P. 12

With a vision to ‘Cultivate one Million children in India as Neoteric Innovators’, Atal Innovation Mission has
    established Atal Tinkering Laboratories (ATLs) in schools across India. Air Force School Jammu has been
    granted the opportunity to be a part of this initiative by the Government of India recently.
    Keeping in view the objective of this scheme- to foster curiosity, creativity and imagination in students; and
    inculcate skills such as design mindset, computational thinking, adaptive learning, and physical computing
    etc. The science teachers of school have mentored the students from classes VI to XI and have encouraged
    them to perform many innovative activities since April 2021. The projects and activities on diverse concepts
    of science were showcased on 31 AUGUST 2021 on online goggle meet platform. The students not only
    performed the activities thereby exhibiting an understanding of the concepts. This has given an opportunity
    to the students to go beyond their textbooks and explore the fascinating world of science. This initiative will
    be  carried  forward  in  the  coming  months  too  with  great  enthusiasm  as  this  platform  has  inspired  and
    motivated the young minds of Air Force School, Jammu.
    S.NO        DATE                                                                      TOPIC
    1       09-07-2021     She Code session 2.0                      Design thinking
                           Conducted by Mr.K.Ganesh
    2       22.07.2021     Expert session                            Resume writing skills
    3       27.07.2021     She Code session 2.0 Expert session       Role of Artificial Intelligence in work place.
    4       29.07.2021     She Code session 2.0 Expert session       T Role of Artificial Intelligence in work place
    5       31.07.2021     She Code session 2.0 Expert session       Understanding Environmental parameters
    6       05.08.2021     She Code session 2.0 Expert session       App development
    7       06.08.2021     She  Code 2.0 Expert session              App development
    8       07.08.2021     She Code session 2.0                      App development
                           Conducted by Mr.K.Ganesh
    9       11.08.2021     She  Code 2.0 Expert session              Internet of things
    10      12.08.2021     She  Code 2.0 Expert session              Internet of things
    11      17.08.2021     She  Code 2.0 Expert session              Sensor technology
    12      17.08.2020     She Code session 2.0                      ATL Gaming session.
                           Conducted by Mr.K.Ganesh
    13      19.08.2020     She  Code 2.0 Expert session              Fostering Entrepreneurial mind set
    14      20.08.2021     She Code session 2.0                      ATL Gaming session.
                           Conducted by Mr.K.Ganesh
    15      23.08.2021     She  Code 2.0 Expert session              Trash to treasure.
    16      24.08.2021     She  Code 2.0 Expert session              Basics of python
    17      26.08.2021     She Code session 2.0                      Auduino and
                           Conducted by Mr.K.Ganesh                  ATL Gaming session.
    18      27.08.2021     She  Code 2.0 Expert session              Introduction to artificial Intelligence.
    19      31.08.2021                          ONLINE ATL EXHIBITION OF ATL PROJECTS

    20      02.09.2021     She  Code 2.0 Expert session               Dawn of fourth industrial revolution
    21      03.09.2021     ATL session Conducted by Mr.K.Ganesh       Auduino programming and
                                                                      ATL Gaming session
    22      07.09.2021     She  Code 2.0 Expert session               Microcontrollers and Microprocessors.
    23      13.09.2021     She  Code 2.0 Expert session               Artificial organs
    24      14.09.2021     She  Code 2.0 Expert session               Microcontrollers and Microprocessors.
    25      14.09.2021     ATL session Conducted by Mr.K.Ganesh       ATL Gaming session.
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